
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Remember those cross country meets?

In October 30, 1961 the Saskatoon Track and Field Club sent only two runners to Regina's Luther Colege cross-country run.  I won the junior high school run and my brother, George, won the midget division.
On October 22, 1962 Saskatoon cleaned up in all divisions at the provincial high school championships  at Luther.  Charles Simpson won the the midget division, followed by Garth Hilderman.  Of special interest to me is the the senior division;  Allan MacDonald beat me by two seconds, followed by Ray, Don,and Allan Angell.  Talk about depth!

Also a sign of things to come was Valerie Jensen's win in the women's open.

There were many cross-country races in 1962 and 1963.  I remember the Edmonton meet in the fall of 1962 when Don, Allan A., and myself won the team junior championship.  On the way home we got stuck in some little town when a a wheel bearing overheated in our rental car.

About the same time the U of S had an invitational race in a football game at Griffith's Stadium.  In the high school race Don won, Allan Angell got second, and I got third.  In the open race the U of S team was composed of some names which have a familiar ring---John Maloney (was he my phys ed teacher?), Wayne Woolfit (remember driving home in his bumpy black beetle, in the dark at 40 below?), Lyle S. (of course), Jim Loetke, and Jim Halford (I will always remember shooting a poor badger hissing in pain on a hunting trip at his family's farm). 

For many of us high school cross-country culminated in the fall of 1963.  See the picture of the Junior Cross Country Champs. (Sorry it is hard to read).  The Saskatoon teams won at every level.  The junior team looks suspiciously like Walter Murray, coached in those days by Ralph Morris.   Premier spot went to Don Gogel; he beat Al MacDonald (by a whisker), and Ray.  I was way back in fifth.

I read in some track psychology book that every high school track "star"  is, sooner or later, beaten by someone better.  Seems to be true. 

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